Saturday, August 25, 2012

MS Football Week 0

Ready or not it is time to start playing games. The varsity had a great scrimmage last night and I am excited to see both middle school teams take to the field this week for games. It will certainly be a full week of football. The first home varsity game will feature a concert by the band Denmon which will be a CCS first. The lead singer, John Denmon, was a coach at CCS when our seniors were in 8th grade. At some point the emails will get shorter but I prefer that you are over informed.

1 John 4:18-19 “There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love. We love because He first loved us.”

Week 0 MS Schedule
  • Monday, August 27-4:00 to 6:00 pm (Full Pads)
  • Tuesday, August 28-4:00 to 5:45 pm (Full Pads) – A Team Players Only
  • Tuesday, August 28-4:30 pm B Team Game at St. Cecilia (Wear white game jersey) Bus 2:45
  • Wednesday, August 29-4:00 to 5:30 pm (Half Shell)
  • Thursday, August 30-5:00 pm Game at Lutheran South (Wear white game jersey) Bus 2:45
St. Cecilia Map and Driving Directions
Lutheran South Map and Driving Directions

MS Uniforms
We had one issue with the numbers coming off of a new MS uniform that was washed. We believe we were able to fix that one and that it was an isolated issue. However, if numbers are cracking or pealing when you wash them please let me know. Jerseys should just air dry after washing. Do NOT put them in the dryer.
MS B Team St. John’s Game on 9/18
This game has been changed to an away game and will start at 4:30pm.

Early Release
MS Players will be released from class at 2:15 to dress, eat and travel to their games this Tuesday and Thursday. I believe that most of the kids know already but the roster for the A and B teams were sent in the email. These could change throughout the season.

We have done a great job on the forms and physicals this year. The last one that we are missing a good number of is the "TAPPS Acknowledgment of the Rules" form. Cindy is contacting you individually if she still needs that form.

Pep Rally
There will be a pep rally for MS and HS on Friday at 3PM.

Labor Day – September 3
Both the High School and Middle School teams will practice at their regular times on Labor Day.

Booster Club, Season Tickets, Apparel
We have sold a lot but we still have season tickets left. You can get a coaches shirt (there is a female cut as well) by signing up for the booster club or by purchasing some of our game day apparel. Click here for more details.

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