Saturday, August 25, 2012

HS Football Week 0

Ready or not it is time to start playing games. The varsity had a great scrimmage last night and I am excited to see both middle school teams take to the field this week for games. It will certainly be a full week of football. The first home varsity game will feature a concert by the band Denmon which will be a CCS first. The lead singer, John Denmon, was a coach at CCS when our seniors were in 8th grade. At some point the emails will get shorter but I prefer that you are over informed.

1 John 4:18-19 “There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love. We love because He first loved us.”

Week 0 HS Schedule
  • Monday, August 27-4:00 to 6:25 pm (Full Pads)
  • Tuesday, August 28-4:00 to 6:05 pm (Full Pads)
  • Wednesday, August 29-3:45 to 5:30 pm (Half Shell)
  • Thursday, August 30-3:45 to 5:00 pm (Helmet) – Covenant and Prayer following practice
  • Friday, August 31-7:00pm Home game against Brazos Christian
Team Covenant Signing and Prayer
We are going to close Thursdays practice with a public signing of our team covenant and an opportunity for our parents to pray over our players and the season. Both will take place in the grandstand starting just after 5pm.

Uniforms in Lockers
I picked up a few pairs of pants and a couple uniforms that I took home and washed last night. Uniforms should never be stored in lockers or left on shoulder pads after the game.

Morning Workout - Optional
We will be continuing to have workouts on Monday and Wednesday at 6:30AM in the weight room.

Film on Hudl
The film is up on Hudl and more information will be added to it throughout the week. We will watch some film during practice but are not currently planning to have a team film session Monday morning. As coaches we are learning the system and were able to add in some audio notes and coaching points to the film. We will try to do more of this in the future. Players can make their own highlight films that I will add to our website.

We have done a great job on the forms and physicals this year. The last one that we are missing a good number of is the "TAPPS Acknowledgment of the Rules" form. Cindy is contacting you individually if she still needs that form.

Pep Rally
There will be a pep rally for MS and HS on Friday at 3PM.

Saturday Clinic
Methodist does have a Saturday clinic for any injuries. It is better to get it looked at on Saturday instead of waiting until Monday at practice. Click here for more information.

You can sign up to help at the home games using Please Bring It. There is a link to each of our games at Each family needs to sign up 3 times to get everything taken care of for the year. There is less that needs to be done for JV games but we will probably have some signups for those as well in the coming weeks.

The one big need that we have left is for someone to set up and clean up the concession stand. You do not have to work the concession stand during the game just make sure that things are ready to go when the workers (parents of other school groups) get there and let them know what to do to clean up.

Faith West JV Game
Faith West is no longer playing 11 man football so those two JV games have been canceled. We will be adding at least one more JV game against Fort Bend.

Labor Day – September 3
Both the High School and Middle School teams will practice at their regular times on Labor Day.

Booster Club, Season Tickets, Apparel
We have sold a lot but we still have season tickets left. You can get a coaches shirt (there is a female cut as well) by signing up for the booster club or by purchasing some of our game day apparel. Click here for more details.

Austin Trip – September 14
There still may be some rooms left but the deadline has passed. If you are not planning to make the trip to Austin I need to know so that we can make sure we have a room for your son.

Hyatt Place
3612 Tudor Blvd.
Austin, Texas 78759

When you call to book ... tell them you are with Cypress Christian School.
Our GROUP code is: G-CPRS
Use this code when booking by phone or online.
They have Double rooms and King rooms...both with sleeper sofas. Our cost $ 105 + tax.
THE ROOMS MUST BE BOOKED BY 8-24-12. - Check in 3pm - Check out 12pm.

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