Monday, August 13, 2012

Football, Volleyball and Hair Cuts

The Football team will be scrimmaging the Volleyball team at 6:30 in the gym tomorrow. This is not a required event but it will be funny. We got a little crazy with our clothing last year so I asked that they tone that down some. Just mention that to your son if he was there last year and that should be enough.

It is possible that your son took steps to get in alignment with the hair code today after practice. This has been a long standing tradition but it is completely optional and I even recommend that players call their mom to make sure it is OK. I think my mom is still a little upset that I shaved my head in college one year. School starts tomorrow and we do have a few player remaining that need haircuts.

It was a hot one today. Please remind them to drink water and that they can take a water bottle with them to class tomorrow.

Chain Gang
I will need three people to run the chains on Thursday for the scrimmage. It would be great is someone would be interested in coordinating this effort for the season. If interested please let me know.

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