Monday, July 2, 2012

Warrior Football Mid Summer Information

Summer Strength and Conditioning
There will be no workout on the 4th of July. We will have a workout on Thursday.

7 on 7
We have completed our trips to Fort Bend for 7 on 7. There will be no 7 on 7 this week or next but we will have two final 7 on 7 dates on our campus on July 17 and 24 from 5 to 6PM.

Houston Project
On July 9-12 we will be serving with Houston’s First Baptist Church on the Houston Project. We will be at Springwoods High School helping to run athletic camps and other related activities (from food service to childcare) from 5:30 to 8:30PM each night. To participate you do need to register by clicking here. It is free for anyone under 18 but adults will need to pay $45. Everyone gets a t-shirt and it is ok if you cannot make all the days or even if you can just make one day. I have had a good number of people tell me that they plan to participate. If you sign up please let me know so I can have some idea of how many people are coming from CCS.

Clothing Sizes
You were emailed a roster for 2012 season that includes clothing sizes. While most of the equipment for the 2012 season has been ordered I will be placing the order for our practice shirts and shorts on Friday. If your son needs to change a size please let me know by Friday.  If your son is not planning to play please let me know. It will save the football program time and money and it will be one less email you have to delete.

Warrior Welcome
Finally, I believe that you all know that the main part of my job at the school is not coaching football. I want to invite you something else I spend a lot of time with. It is a tour of the mission of the school. No matter how long or how short your experience with CCS I am sure you will find this hour to be a blessing. We have several summer tours coming up (July 9 at 7PM, July 10 and 24 at 9AM) and I look forward to seeing you there. All tours start in the gym foyer.

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