Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Houston Project Information

For those that are helping with the Houston Project it will be a full but rewarding week. If you or your son still wants to sign up I am sure you still can (www.houstonsfirst.org/HoustonProject) and just showing up will not be a problem (might not get the t-shirt). I think it is simplest if everyone just plans on meeting at the site between 5 and 5:30 each night. If transportation is an issue let me know and we can work something out.

We will be at Springwoods High School (map) and the registration will be right in front of the football stadium. Flexible is the word always used to describe the Houston Project and the weather could mean we are doing football in the gym. You just never know who or how many people we will be ministering to each night. HPD will be on sight each night and in general this is one of the safest Houston Project neighborhoods. That being said I would probably plan on phone and wallets being left hidden in the car. Everything should be wrapped up by 8:30 each night.

We are meeting at the site tomorrow at 2PM to hand out fliers in the apartment complexes around the school if you are available.

We will have regular workouts in the morning all week. Coach Honeycutt will be leading a special speed and agility workout on Tuesday after the regular workout from 10 to 11 am for those that are interested. There will not be any 7 on 7 this week but we will resume that the following week on our campus from 5 to 6 pm.

I mentioned in the last email an encouragement to attend a Warrior Welcome. That still stands but do to vacation schedules and my obligation to the Houston Project I would like to encourage everyone to come Tuesday morning and not to the Monday evening tour. We do the tours on a regular basis and you can see future tour dates and RSVP at www.CypressChristian.org/Support/Warrior-Welcome.cfm.

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