Tuesday, July 17, 2012

HS Football Mid July Info

Summer is fast coming to a close and the start of the football season is less than three weeks away.  Everyone has a little summer reading to do for school so please encourage your son to get that done now when they do not have practice.  If they are already done with it I would suggest getting them Season of Life by Jeffery Marx or Playing with Confidence by Bruce Brown (or any of his other booklets.  Parents should read InSideOut Coaching by Joe Ehrmann.

Senior Retreat
I spend a lot of time with the seniors throughout the season.  We have been talking about leadership on Thursdays at the end of the workouts, we will meet regularly throughout the season and we spend a few times where we get away as a class to talk about what their program will look like this year.  The first of those retreats will be this Monday, July 23.  It will be in the evening and include dinner.  I will be sending out more information to the seniors later in the week.

Houston Project
We had 15 players and coaches serve throughout the week at the Houston Project Sports Camp. Five of the kids that came to football prayed to accept Christ.  My church will continue to follow up with those kids and get them plugged into a local church.

7 on 7
We will be doing 7 on 7 at CCS tonight and next week from 5 to 6 pm.  We have a good number of players on mission trips but we will get some good work in with those that are here.  The weather should clear prior to 5pm but we will not go out if there is lightning.

Preseason Camp Schedule
We will start football practice on Monday, August 6.  Click here for the full schedule and practice times.  The “Parents of Athletes” meeting will be on Saturday, August 11 starting at 5PM.  It will include a meeting for athletes this year.  We will have pictures on Saturday morning, August 18 and are planning a team cookout for that evening.

Football Clothing
If you would like an extra set of the football clothing the cost will be $25.  Just let me know the size you want.  I can put in the order with the MS order now or we will also place an additional order in August.

Spandex Girdle and Leg Pads
Everyone needs to have a spandex girdle. It would be best if they had one that had built in leg pads instead of pockets.  Click here for an example.  The football program will continue to provide all leg pads for HS players but the new girdles reduce the program’s cost and increase your son’s safety and protection.

Number Changes
If you son would like to change his number from last year please have him talk to me.  I will be asking the freshmen and new players for their number preference before we assign all the numbers.  We do not have many extra jerseys at this point but that is a good problem to have.

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