Tuesday, July 17, 2012

HS Football Mid July Info

Summer is fast coming to a close and the start of the football season is less than three weeks away.  Everyone has a little summer reading to do for school so please encourage your son to get that done now when they do not have practice.  If they are already done with it I would suggest getting them Season of Life by Jeffery Marx or Playing with Confidence by Bruce Brown (or any of his other booklets.  Parents should read InSideOut Coaching by Joe Ehrmann.

Senior Retreat
I spend a lot of time with the seniors throughout the season.  We have been talking about leadership on Thursdays at the end of the workouts, we will meet regularly throughout the season and we spend a few times where we get away as a class to talk about what their program will look like this year.  The first of those retreats will be this Monday, July 23.  It will be in the evening and include dinner.  I will be sending out more information to the seniors later in the week.

Houston Project
We had 15 players and coaches serve throughout the week at the Houston Project Sports Camp. Five of the kids that came to football prayed to accept Christ.  My church will continue to follow up with those kids and get them plugged into a local church.

7 on 7
We will be doing 7 on 7 at CCS tonight and next week from 5 to 6 pm.  We have a good number of players on mission trips but we will get some good work in with those that are here.  The weather should clear prior to 5pm but we will not go out if there is lightning.

Preseason Camp Schedule
We will start football practice on Monday, August 6.  Click here for the full schedule and practice times.  The “Parents of Athletes” meeting will be on Saturday, August 11 starting at 5PM.  It will include a meeting for athletes this year.  We will have pictures on Saturday morning, August 18 and are planning a team cookout for that evening.

Football Clothing
If you would like an extra set of the football clothing the cost will be $25.  Just let me know the size you want.  I can put in the order with the MS order now or we will also place an additional order in August.

Spandex Girdle and Leg Pads
Everyone needs to have a spandex girdle. It would be best if they had one that had built in leg pads instead of pockets.  Click here for an example.  The football program will continue to provide all leg pads for HS players but the new girdles reduce the program’s cost and increase your son’s safety and protection.

Number Changes
If you son would like to change his number from last year please have him talk to me.  I will be asking the freshmen and new players for their number preference before we assign all the numbers.  We do not have many extra jerseys at this point but that is a good problem to have.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

MS Football Roster and Clothing

It is almost time for football. I emailed out the the current roster for the MS football team. I need to confirm clothing sizes by Friday. Some of you on this email are new to CCS or your son may have not played in the past. If your son is not on the list and wants to be added please let me know. We are expecting good numbers for our two middle school team this year. There are no tryouts for football so if a student wants to play they will be on the team. Our goal is to do much more than teach players a skill, we want to build godly men. Click here to read more about our coaching philosophy.

Football Clothing
I emailed out the roster to make sure that your son’s shirt and short size are correct. I have decided to not purchase youth size shorts so adult small will be the smallest short size. (I have piles of youth size shorts that people ordered and then said were to small when they got here). I will order youth size shirts if needed. If your son is not on the roster but planning to play please email with his sizes so I can add him to the list. I will be placing the clothing order on Monday, July 16.

The football program will purchase one set for your son. Players will wear the shorts for practice one day per week and may be asked to wear the shirt for practice or other events. If you would like a second set for your son or anyone else just let me know the size. The cost for each additional set will be $25 and billed to your school account.

First Day of Practice
The first day of practice will be Monday, August 13. Our first practice will be in the evening but after the start of school on the 14th we will practice after school. Click here for more information about the MS practice schedule for the first week. We will have team pictures on Saturday, August 18.

Houston Project Information

For those that are helping with the Houston Project it will be a full but rewarding week. If you or your son still wants to sign up I am sure you still can (www.houstonsfirst.org/HoustonProject) and just showing up will not be a problem (might not get the t-shirt). I think it is simplest if everyone just plans on meeting at the site between 5 and 5:30 each night. If transportation is an issue let me know and we can work something out.

We will be at Springwoods High School (map) and the registration will be right in front of the football stadium. Flexible is the word always used to describe the Houston Project and the weather could mean we are doing football in the gym. You just never know who or how many people we will be ministering to each night. HPD will be on sight each night and in general this is one of the safest Houston Project neighborhoods. That being said I would probably plan on phone and wallets being left hidden in the car. Everything should be wrapped up by 8:30 each night.

We are meeting at the site tomorrow at 2PM to hand out fliers in the apartment complexes around the school if you are available.

We will have regular workouts in the morning all week. Coach Honeycutt will be leading a special speed and agility workout on Tuesday after the regular workout from 10 to 11 am for those that are interested. There will not be any 7 on 7 this week but we will resume that the following week on our campus from 5 to 6 pm.

I mentioned in the last email an encouragement to attend a Warrior Welcome. That still stands but do to vacation schedules and my obligation to the Houston Project I would like to encourage everyone to come Tuesday morning and not to the Monday evening tour. We do the tours on a regular basis and you can see future tour dates and RSVP at www.CypressChristian.org/Support/Warrior-Welcome.cfm.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Warrior Football Mid Summer Information

Summer Strength and Conditioning
There will be no workout on the 4th of July. We will have a workout on Thursday.

7 on 7
We have completed our trips to Fort Bend for 7 on 7. There will be no 7 on 7 this week or next but we will have two final 7 on 7 dates on our campus on July 17 and 24 from 5 to 6PM.

Houston Project
On July 9-12 we will be serving with Houston’s First Baptist Church on the Houston Project. We will be at Springwoods High School helping to run athletic camps and other related activities (from food service to childcare) from 5:30 to 8:30PM each night. To participate you do need to register by clicking here. It is free for anyone under 18 but adults will need to pay $45. Everyone gets a t-shirt and it is ok if you cannot make all the days or even if you can just make one day. I have had a good number of people tell me that they plan to participate. If you sign up please let me know so I can have some idea of how many people are coming from CCS.

Clothing Sizes
You were emailed a roster for 2012 season that includes clothing sizes. While most of the equipment for the 2012 season has been ordered I will be placing the order for our practice shirts and shorts on Friday. If your son needs to change a size please let me know by Friday.  If your son is not planning to play please let me know. It will save the football program time and money and it will be one less email you have to delete.

Warrior Welcome
Finally, I believe that you all know that the main part of my job at the school is not coaching football. I want to invite you something else I spend a lot of time with. It is a tour of the mission of the school. No matter how long or how short your experience with CCS I am sure you will find this hour to be a blessing. We have several summer tours coming up (July 9 at 7PM, July 10 and 24 at 9AM) and I look forward to seeing you there. All tours start in the gym foyer.