Wednesday, August 3, 2011

We have had a great three days of practice. Our new practice segment called Crazy Love has helped to build a whole new level of team unity and fun. Tomorrow morning we will be shooting water balloons off the top of the grandstand at live targets (according to the warning label this is dangerous so we will wear our helmets). You might ask what this has to do with football. Football, like life, is about relationships. We have worked very hard in the heat but we have also laughed as we played duck duck goose, raced go-carts, played steal the bacon, shared stories, talked about the role models in our lives, learned crazy facts about each other and have strove to glorify God in all that we have done. Building men is a process and I am excited about what is ahead.

Theme: Purpose
Acts 17:26b “He determined the times set for them and the exact places where they should live.”

Jeremiah 29:11 “‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.’”

Thursday 8 to 10 AM Workout Clothing
Thursday 3:30 to 6:15 PM Full Pads (We will get out early so coaches have an opportunity to attend Inside Out Coaching)
Friday 8 to 10 AM Workout Clothing
Friday 3:30 to 7 PM Full Pads
Saturday 8 to 10AM Intersquad scrimmage - Full Pads

Inner City Football Camp
On Tuesday, August 9 we will be loading the bus at 4pm as a part of our regular practice and heading into the city to put on a little football camp for those who do not have the same opportunities that we have. We will be working in partnership with the Faith Center, a ministry of Houston's First Baptist Church. We will simply be hanging out with kids, throwing the football around and giving out hot dogs and drinks. As our program grows I would like to build this into a father son event and this year I would like to invite as many dad's as possible to attend with the team. We are planning to return to CCS by 7pm. This is not an optional event for players as I believe it will be a great team building experience. We are going to need a few grills, a truck to transport them, a lot of hot dogs, drinks and would like to purchase some footballs to leave behind. If you are interested in helping out please let me know.

We have a good number of players that do not have a physical on file with the school. I need that taken care of right away. There are also several other forms (handbook player and parent signature, transportation waiver, and TAPPS acknowledgment of the rules) that will eventually need to be filled out. All the forms can be found at:

InSideOut Coaching
FCA and the Foundry Church are bringing Joe Ehrmann (Baltimore Colt All-Pro Defensive Linemen), to the Texas Tornados Practice Facility on August 4, 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm, $10 to attend and $15 for book purchase. I use a lot of material from Joe Ehrmann as a coach and even if the only coaching you do is with your own kids I strongly recommend this two hour seminar centered on his new book, InSideOut Coaching. For more information and to register for the event please visit I have asked my entire coaching staff to attend this event.

Football Booster Club, Sponsorship Opportunities and Season Tickets
I will be sending more information about our booster club, sponsorships and season tickets in the near future. However, you can read more about them and sign up on the website at: The money raised through season tickets, booster club memberships and sponsorships is used to pay for a lot of the great things we do as a football program. The things that are supported by the booster club are so important to me that I personally join the Coach's Club each year. You are certainly not required to join but for those with the ability it is a great way to help our program.

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