Saturday, September 8, 2012

MS Football Week 2

It was a great win Friday night for the varsity and I am sure we will all remember this game for a long time. Even if we had been on the losing side it would have been worth being a part of. I got a great email from Coach Robbins that was extremely complimentary of our program and how we played the game. I have gotten to know Coach Robbins over the years since he defeated us in another great game when he was at Dallas Lutheran and I would certainly say the same things about his program. Our MS team came up short but a Westbury player told his dad who relayed the information to some of our parents that his son had never played against a team with better sportsmanship.

I was at both games and the number of CCS players helping their opponents up is amazing and the best it has ever been. I have always believed that if Christ played football he would have played all out to the whistle and then did whatever he could to help his opponent up and encourage him. I love the way we are learning to really compete. Our culture has defined competing as win at all costs but true competition is about playing the game and involves both winning and losing. It is not failure when we lose but an opportunity to get better, to learn and to grow. Please find ways to reward these efforts by our players and I hope that we will all find ways to do the same things in our own lives.

Weekly Theme-Overcoming Adversity
Romans 8:18 “I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.”

Week 2 MS Schedule
  • Monday, September 10-4:00 to 6:00 pm (Full Pads)
  • Tuesday, September 11-4:00 to 5:45 pm (Full Pads) – A Team Players Only
  • Tuesday, September 11-5:00 pm B Team Game at Salem Trinity (Bus Departs at 3:15)
  • Wednesday, September 12-4:00 to 5:30 pm (Half Shell) – B Team Players Full Pads
  • Thursday, September 13-5:00 pm A Team Game at Northland (Bus Departs at 3:15)

Grade Check
The grade check will be this Tuesday. We did have a few kids that are struggling in some classes. Please go on to RenWeb and make sure your son has everything done.

All the film is on Hudl. Please encourage your son to watch 20 minutes of Regents film prior to Monday. It will make a big difference in our ability to prepare and teach at practice.

Northland Map and Driving Directions
Salem-Trinity (Concordia Lutheran HS) Map and Driving Directions

It really will be this week for the picture CDs.

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