Sunday, September 23, 2012

HS Football Week 4

It was a tough week for football for all four CCS teams but there were bright spots and some great individual plays. We continue to see improvement and growth in many areas. Learning from mistakes through watching film is the best way to get better.

Weekly Theme-Unity
Romans 15:5-6 “May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you a spirit of unity among yourselves as you follow Christ Jesus so that with one heart and mouth you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.”

Week 4 HS Schedule

  • Monday, September 24-4:00 to 6:30 pm (Full Pads)
  • Tuesday, September 25-4:00 to 6:10 pm (Full Pads)
  • Wednesday, September 26-3:45 to 5:30 pm (Half Shell)
  • Thursday, September 27-3:45 to 5:00 pm (Helmet)
  • Friday, September 28-At Shiner St. Paul at 7:30PM (Bus leaves at 1pm out at 12:30)
Shiner St. Paul Map and Driving Directions
We will play at Comanche Stadium which is a public school stadium and not on the campus of Shiner St. Paul Catholic School.

Shiner Preview
They are a good team but like us have a 1 and 3 record. They are a school that is our size and while it will be a tough test I do not think it will be near what we saw this week. They did play a close game against Fort Bend but several key players including the QB were out for Fort Bend.

Charter Bus for Shiner
I have talked with several people about the possibility of taking a charter bus to Shiner. This adds about $1,000 to our travel costs. We have taken charters in the past with the help of donations. Since we are not spending the night it would be nice to have the extra space and not have to worry about the driving. If you would be interested in helping with this please let me know. If we do not take a charter we would probably need a couple extra drivers to leave with the bus and take players and equipment.

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