Monday, November 9, 2009

Weekly Themes

It is always interesting how the weekly themes play themselves out. I set most of them months in advance. Overcoming Adversity lasted a couple weeks with the swine flu as we fell to Westbury but recovered just enough to beat Faith West. We certainly overcame adversity then so it should not be a big deal to face a little now. The theme was Humility when we went to Bay Area and we certainly learned something there. It was Perseverance during the bye week when the team focused in and really improved. The others were also meaningful in various ways. Many of you have commented on this. It has been requested that we should not have Overcoming Adversity as a theme next year and I even thought about using Healing as the theme this week with Victory for the final three weeks.

However, that is not how life always works, there will be adversity, everyone loses at some point and the road will be hard at times. Instead, I felt God’s prompting to go with Obedience and Noah. An Ark has no sail, no rudder, no compass just God. Noah was faithful to God, not in some things but in everything as Genesis 6:22 points out. As a result God sealed him in the Ark and basically said I will take care of you from here.

Winning is a byproduct of true success and God cares about our hearts and not the score of a game unless the score of that game will have an eternal impact on our hearts. In my first two years of coaching I never won a game and I always wondered what God was trying to teach me. Now with our success I just wonder if he was seeing if I would be faithful both in winning and losing. I hope that I have and I am looking forward to being sealed in the Ark.

In many ways CCS has already been sealed in the Ark and this is very evident if you read the newspapers and also attended the School Banquet Saturday night. I believe that we have been Obedient to God as a team this season. We have certainly made mistakes both individually and collectively but I have seen God at work in so many ways. There are a lot of exciting things in the works for our football program and as I talked with the team on Saturday after we ate 15 dozen donuts I reminded them that those blessing have come and continue to come because of our Obedience to God and not because of the score of a football game.

Thank you for your continued support of CCS and a different kind of football program, you are making an eternal investment that will never fade away.

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