Sunday, November 22, 2009

Seasons End

It was a tough night but it does not take away from a great season. As time passes and legends grow you can remember it this way. Two great teams played in a state quarter final game involving numerous future college athletes. When we scored to take the lead we simply left too much time on the clock. The reality is that we simply got beat by a better team. I hope it is a challenge to our young players to work harder and to take our program to the level that we saw yesterday. By any standard it was a successful season, but especially when we look at Building Godly Men and true success. Lives were changed and eternity was impacted. It will be very exciting to get together 10 years from now and hear the stories.

I was very encouraged to watch our players interact with players from Colleyville after the game. From what I heard they were gracious in victory and had a lot of respect for our ability to play the game of football.

The Blind Side
On Tuesday night we will be going to see the movie The Blind Side as a football family. Parents, siblings, and friends are all welcome to attend. We will be at the AMC Willowbrook theater for the 6:20 show.

Player Interviews
In college at the end of the season every player has an end of season interview with his coaches. It is simply an opportunity for each player to here my thoughts and talk one on one about this season and next season. I would like to conduct these for any player that is interested. They would last about 10 minutes. I will be available this Tuesday starting at 3:45 in the field house until it is time to leave for the movie. If your son is interested let me know and I will put them on the schedule. I will have a couple of other dates for this in the future.

Last Practice
We will have our last practice on Monday November 30. We will do the last hit drill (this requires dressing in half shell and taking the field) and turning in all football equipment. I would like everyone to participate and we should be done by 4:15 for those that are playing other sports. If they do not have another sport to attend I would like them to stay and help put away equipment. We will also watch a little game film that helps to provide closure.

State Championship
I will be attending the TAPPS Division III state title game a 7PM on Saturday December 5th. I would love to take as many team members as possible. The game is in Killeen and I will send out more information and travel plans later.

It was the best looking bunch of mohawks that I have seen but they need to be back to meeting regular school policy when the students return to school if we want the privilege of being able to do them again.

Fall Sports Banquet
The Fall Sports banquet will be held at 7PM on Thursday December 17th in the MUF.

Season Ending Party
We will have a season ending party in early January during a college football bowl game.

Work Day
We will have another work day to put away equipment, clean and organize. Just like painting the Warrior Head with enough help it will not take long.

I want to encourage your son to play other sports and to take full advantage of the other opportunities that CCS offers. If your house hold goes into a mild depression when the football season ends, take heart because spring football is just around the corner. Football season never ends at our house and I am very excited about some of the things we are going to be able to do in the off-season. Thanks for all your support and for making it a great season.

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