Monday, November 30, 2009

Season of Life

It has been a tremendous privileged to serve as a head MS and head HS football coach at Cypress Christian over the last 4 years. God has also provided me with almost 9 amazing years as an engineer for the Harris County Flood Control District. Many of you have asked how I can do both. The answer that I should give is that I cannot do both. By God's grace I have had the opportunity to do both and now I have the opportunity to pursue my passion full time. I believe that God has a lot great things in store for Cypress Christian and I am excited to announce that I will be a full time part of those plans. The future school enrollment has now gone up by 4 and Rylin is very excited about riding to school with dad on her first and every other day of school next year. Today I resigned my position at the Harris County Flood Control District and on January 4th I will be on campus full time. My official title will be the Director of Institutional Advancement which you will learn more about but especially during the fall I will be the head football coach as we move (Close the Gap!) to the next level as a school and a football program.

In His Service,

Coach Spenn

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Last Practice, Lupe's Kids, & Championship Game

Just a reminder that tomorrow will be our "last practice" where we do the last hit drill, have a brief team meeting and turn in our equipment. Your son needs to have all of his football equipment ready to turn in and his locker should be empty of all things football by the end of the day. It is a big help to me if we get all the equipment turned in tomorrow. As an incentive for coming I get to announce some big things concerning football that even parents might want to come out and hear.

Lupe's Kids
The football team will be sponsoring several children for Christmas this year through the schools partnership with Lupe's Kids. If your son is not already participating with another sport (they can give to both teams family if they like) and would like to participate with football please let me know by Tuesday so I can get a good head count. The number of players that participate will determine the number of kids that we sponsor. We may do the shopping on our way to the championship game next weekend.

Championship Game
We will be going to the TAPPS Division III championship game next Saturday at 7pm in Kileen between Brook Hill and Waco Richer (Waco beat Colleyville 63 - 7). Parents are welcome to come and we will probably need drivers. If we have a large group I may look into taking the bus. If you have not done so already please RSVP by Tuesday. I hope watching this game inspires us to work hard to reach the next level for our football program.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Seasons End

It was a tough night but it does not take away from a great season. As time passes and legends grow you can remember it this way. Two great teams played in a state quarter final game involving numerous future college athletes. When we scored to take the lead we simply left too much time on the clock. The reality is that we simply got beat by a better team. I hope it is a challenge to our young players to work harder and to take our program to the level that we saw yesterday. By any standard it was a successful season, but especially when we look at Building Godly Men and true success. Lives were changed and eternity was impacted. It will be very exciting to get together 10 years from now and hear the stories.

I was very encouraged to watch our players interact with players from Colleyville after the game. From what I heard they were gracious in victory and had a lot of respect for our ability to play the game of football.

The Blind Side
On Tuesday night we will be going to see the movie The Blind Side as a football family. Parents, siblings, and friends are all welcome to attend. We will be at the AMC Willowbrook theater for the 6:20 show.

Player Interviews
In college at the end of the season every player has an end of season interview with his coaches. It is simply an opportunity for each player to here my thoughts and talk one on one about this season and next season. I would like to conduct these for any player that is interested. They would last about 10 minutes. I will be available this Tuesday starting at 3:45 in the field house until it is time to leave for the movie. If your son is interested let me know and I will put them on the schedule. I will have a couple of other dates for this in the future.

Last Practice
We will have our last practice on Monday November 30. We will do the last hit drill (this requires dressing in half shell and taking the field) and turning in all football equipment. I would like everyone to participate and we should be done by 4:15 for those that are playing other sports. If they do not have another sport to attend I would like them to stay and help put away equipment. We will also watch a little game film that helps to provide closure.

State Championship
I will be attending the TAPPS Division III state title game a 7PM on Saturday December 5th. I would love to take as many team members as possible. The game is in Killeen and I will send out more information and travel plans later.

It was the best looking bunch of mohawks that I have seen but they need to be back to meeting regular school policy when the students return to school if we want the privilege of being able to do them again.

Fall Sports Banquet
The Fall Sports banquet will be held at 7PM on Thursday December 17th in the MUF.

Season Ending Party
We will have a season ending party in early January during a college football bowl game.

Work Day
We will have another work day to put away equipment, clean and organize. Just like painting the Warrior Head with enough help it will not take long.

I want to encourage your son to play other sports and to take full advantage of the other opportunities that CCS offers. If your house hold goes into a mild depression when the football season ends, take heart because spring football is just around the corner. Football season never ends at our house and I am very excited about some of the things we are going to be able to do in the off-season. Thanks for all your support and for making it a great season.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

The Blind Side

The Blind Side will be released tomorrow in theaters. This movie is the true story of one families compassion for a young man that takes them well outside of their comfort zone. The family takes in Michael Oher (currently an offensive tackle for the Baltimore Ravens) is committed to seeing him succeed. It looks like a great movie to take the team to and without school next week is a good time to do it. As I am planning on having practice next week, we may go to the movie after practice on Monday or Tuesday. We will practice Monday through Wednesday and on Friday. The semi final round game would be on Saturday probably in College Station.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Regional Playoffs

We lost the toss and the game will be Saturday at 7:30 in Groesbeck. This is disappointing but I believe that our conduct in everything concerning the scheduling of this game has been honoring to God. The theme for the week was obedience and it really is about Building Men so I am excited about the opportunity that God has for us. God always honors obedience in the long run, just like he took care of Noah by shutting him in the ark.

I am excited about the challenge and seeing just how far we have come in closing the gap. I am looking forward to leading a courageous football team on to the field, one that has not and will not quit.

Weekly Theme: Courage
Psalm 23

HS-Practice Schedule
Monday 3:45-6:00 (Full Pads) (Film from 5:30 to 6:00)
Tuesday 3:45-5:45 (Full Pads) (Film from 5:15 to 5:45)
Wednesday 3:45-5:30 (Half Shell)
Thursday 3:45-5:15 (Half Shell)
Friday 3:45-5:00 (Half Shell)
Saturday 7:30 PM against Colleyville Covenant Christian at Groesbeck

I hope everyone makes the trip. It is a very nice facility and we will get a second opportunity to play on turf. The Gate will be $7 for adults and $5 for students.

We will be working on some new things this week and need everyone! at ever practice.

We certainly need everyone. Please check your son’s grades.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Weekly Themes

It is always interesting how the weekly themes play themselves out. I set most of them months in advance. Overcoming Adversity lasted a couple weeks with the swine flu as we fell to Westbury but recovered just enough to beat Faith West. We certainly overcame adversity then so it should not be a big deal to face a little now. The theme was Humility when we went to Bay Area and we certainly learned something there. It was Perseverance during the bye week when the team focused in and really improved. The others were also meaningful in various ways. Many of you have commented on this. It has been requested that we should not have Overcoming Adversity as a theme next year and I even thought about using Healing as the theme this week with Victory for the final three weeks.

However, that is not how life always works, there will be adversity, everyone loses at some point and the road will be hard at times. Instead, I felt God’s prompting to go with Obedience and Noah. An Ark has no sail, no rudder, no compass just God. Noah was faithful to God, not in some things but in everything as Genesis 6:22 points out. As a result God sealed him in the Ark and basically said I will take care of you from here.

Winning is a byproduct of true success and God cares about our hearts and not the score of a game unless the score of that game will have an eternal impact on our hearts. In my first two years of coaching I never won a game and I always wondered what God was trying to teach me. Now with our success I just wonder if he was seeing if I would be faithful both in winning and losing. I hope that I have and I am looking forward to being sealed in the Ark.

In many ways CCS has already been sealed in the Ark and this is very evident if you read the newspapers and also attended the School Banquet Saturday night. I believe that we have been Obedient to God as a team this season. We have certainly made mistakes both individually and collectively but I have seen God at work in so many ways. There are a lot of exciting things in the works for our football program and as I talked with the team on Saturday after we ate 15 dozen donuts I reminded them that those blessing have come and continue to come because of our Obedience to God and not because of the score of a football game.

Thank you for your continued support of CCS and a different kind of football program, you are making an eternal investment that will never fade away.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Week 11 Schedule

Warrior Parents,

It was a great win for our football program and for our school Friday night as we captured the first Football District Championship in school history. It was not without its down side with the injury to Jonathan. He will be going to the doctor tomorrow and we will know more at that time. We may look a little different next we as we rely more heavily on our defense and Jason running the ball.

I hope you invite everyone you know to the game Friday. It would be great to pack out the grandstand as we win our first ever football playoff game.

Weekly Theme: Obedience
Genesis 7:22 “Noah did everything just as God commanded it.”

HS-Practice Schedule
Monday 3:45-6:00 (Full Pads) (Film from 5:30 to 6:00)
Tuesday 3:45-5:45 (Full Pads)
Wednesday 3:45-5:30 (Half Shell)
Thursday 3:45-5:15 (Half Shell)
Friday 7:30 PM against All Saints Episcopal

Game Film
I have uploaded game film for All Saint’s Episcopal to the website. They are in blue against Dallas Shelton. Shelton is a pretty good team and won the game 40 to 14. I will upload another game that All Saint’s won later today or on Monday. Your son should spend some time watching the film throughout the week.

All Saints Offense
They will mostly be in the same basic formations as us but their offense is much simpler. They run a lot of dive plays in between the tackles with an occasional pitch sweep. The QB will run a lot of draw plays and designed runs. Their passing game is mostly WR and RB screens and other short passes. They do through the ball deep on a regular basis but with limited success.

All Saints Defense
Dallas Shelton was a running team and ASE was in a 5-3 cover 3. They had 8 guys in the box to stop the run. Coram Deo spreads out and throws the ball and ASE ran more of a 3-4 look with cover 2 and cover 3. We will probably be more of a run dominated team this week but they will not know that based on the film that they have.

Playoffs Second Round
We are expecting to win on Friday and the second round of the playoffs will be on a neutral site against a team out of Dallas on Friday November 20th.


Grades will be checked for the first time this quarter on Thursday, please check with your son and make sure they are getting their work done.

The JH Ranch
While I will certainly promote football camps over the summer, the JH Ranch is a very unique place that will impact your relationship with Christ, your son’s relationship with Christ and your relationship with your son in very powerful ways. You can learn more about the ranch at or attend one of the informational meetings this week. I have been to the ranch and several other CCS families have as well. I know everyone is busy but I want to encourage you to at least checkout the ranch on the internet.

November 9, 2009
Home of Allen and Lori Jurecka
707 Chestnut Hills Court
Katy, TX 77450
Time: 7:00 pm

November 10, 2009
Home of Jeff and Cindy Reeter
7 Williamsburg Lane
Houston, TX 77024
Time: 7:00pm

Monday, November 2, 2009

Week 10 HS Football Schedule

It was easier than I thought it would be Friday night. I was very pleased with how we set the tone of the game early and with our conduct on the field. It is always hard to beat a team twice and I am expecting a tough game this week at Pope John Paul. They lost to Bay Area last week for the second time in overtime. A win will give us our first ever District Championship.

Weekly Theme: Finish
Hebrews 12:1-3 “Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured such opposition from sinful men, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.”

HS-Practice Schedule
Monday 3:45-5:45 (Full Pads)
Tuesday 3:45-5:45 (Full Pads)
Wednesday 3:45-5:30 (Half Shell)
Thursday 3:45-5:15 (Half Shell)
Friday 7:30 PM at Pope John Paul 23 Bus leaves at 4:45

We will have a home playoff game on November 13. It will probably be against the winner of this week’s game between All Saint’s Episcopal in Tyler and Garland Christian.