Saturday, November 3, 2012

HS Football Week 10

 It was a great team effort on Friday night with big plays coming from so many different people. We are continuing to improve in all areas of the game of football. The past few weeks have been special and I am looking forward to that continuing on into the playoffs. It was exciting to get the JV players in the varsity game after they finished the JV season against Fort Bend. The JV season was a lot of fun and a tremendous amount of improvement was seen there as well.

With the time change practices will continue to get shorter. On Monday we will be dropping pumpkins off the grandstand so that may take some extra time. Players never seem to mind sticking around for activities like this one.

Weekly Theme- Legacy
Hebrews 12:1 “Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.”

Week 10 HS Schedule
  • Monday, November 5-4:00 to 6:15 pm (Full Pads)
  • Tuesday, November 6-4:00 to 6:00 pm (Full Pads)
  • Wednesday, November 7-3:45 to 5:30 pm (Half Shell)
  • Thursday, November 8-3:45 to 5:00 pm (Helmet)
  • Friday, November 9-7:00pm at Home vs Galveston
Senior Night
We will be honoring our 11 senior football players prior to the game Friday night starting at 6:40PM. We would love to have a big crowd so please plan to arrive early.

Senior Dinner
We are moving the senior dinner to Tuesday night right after practice. We will be going to the Salt Grass Steakhouse by Willowbrook Mall. Seniors should be headed home around 8. Several seniors and myself will need to be at the open house on Thursday.

Playoffs – First Round
It is almost certain that we will be headed to Marble Falls which is about 45 minutes west of Austin. I am planning to take a charter bus and not spend the night. I will know more details later in the week.

Playoffs - Thanksgiving
If we win our first round playoff game we will practice Monday and Tuesday at our normal times, Wednesday morning and then again on Friday afternoon. We will not practice on Thanksgiving and are trying to provide the most time around Thanksgiving day for people to travel.

Game Recap and Blue Shirt Warriors
Click here for the story about Friday’s game. Each week we select a player that has closed the gap the most during that week. They will get a special t-shirt and their picture is on the box score page for that week’s game. Click here to see this week’s selection.

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