Friday, June 1, 2012

Summer Strength and Conditioning

Summer Strength and Conditioning
We will start our 8 week summer strength and conditioning program on Monday, June 4.  Our goal is to provide a workout that builds better athletes, as well as, team unity.  Coaches will be stressing the proper technique not how much weight an individual can lift.  The workouts are Monday through Thursday from 8 to 10 AM.  Players usually finish at 9:30 on Wednesday and Thursday.

7 on 7
Tuesday will be our first trip to Fort Bend for 7 on 7.  We will play two varsity games each night at 6 and 7 pm.  JV players will play two short 10 minute games at half time of the two varsity games.  If players have them they should wear their navy shorts and silver shirt from last year.  We are planning to have official 7 on 7 shirts that will be given out once we get to Fort Bend.  Players should wear cleats.

TAPPS no longer allows us to use the bus during the summer.  Players are allowed to drive and take others over the summer.  We will plan to leave from the school in cars at 5pm.  If any parents would like to drive that would also be greatly appreciated.

7 on 7 is really for what is called the “skill players” but we will find ways to get our lineman involved if they want to come.  Fort Bend has also done some linemen challenges in the past and may do that again this summer. 

Houston Project
One of the best ways to build a team is to serve together.  I am currently looking into the possibility of our team (open to parents and other family members as well) serving on a mission project to our city.  The Houston Project is an annual mission trip to Houston by Houston’s First Baptist Church.  As a member of Houston’s First I have served with Houston Project in the past and feel this would be a great opportunity for our team.  The dates for the Houston Project are July 8 –12 and more information can be found by clicking here.  I am still working on what this will look like and will send out more information next week.

Locker Room and Weight Room Expansion
Earlier this week I sent out an email to athletic parents regarding this opportunity.  Click here for more information and please contact me if you are interested in helping with this project.

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