Friday, December 2, 2011

Player Interviews and Surveys

State Title Game
If your son is planning to go to the state title game I need to know as soon as possible so we can plan for transportation. We will be leaving from the school at 3PM tomorrow and will probably arrive home around midnight. There is a high likely hood of rain throughout the day so they will need to be prepared for that.

Player Interviews
I would like to meet with every player for an exit interview. These can done before school, after school or during lunch. If they come by and I am in my office they are welcome to come in otherwise they can sign up for a time with the secondary receptionist.

End of Season Survey
I have been passing out surveys to the players on a regular basis. The last one can be filled out online at the following links. There is one for parents as well. This is valuable as we work to make improvements to our football program.

Links to Surveys
Returning Players
Graduating Players

Please encourage your son to take the survey online and come in for an exit interview. This really helps me to make the football program the best it can be.

Awards Program
The fall sports award program will be on Tuesday, December 6 at 7:30PM. I would prefer that players be dressed up for this event. At least dress pants and a dress shirt.

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