Friday, December 2, 2011

Player Interviews and Surveys

State Title Game
If your son is planning to go to the state title game I need to know as soon as possible so we can plan for transportation. We will be leaving from the school at 3PM tomorrow and will probably arrive home around midnight. There is a high likely hood of rain throughout the day so they will need to be prepared for that.

Player Interviews
I would like to meet with every player for an exit interview. These can done before school, after school or during lunch. If they come by and I am in my office they are welcome to come in otherwise they can sign up for a time with the secondary receptionist.

End of Season Survey
I have been passing out surveys to the players on a regular basis. The last one can be filled out online at the following links. There is one for parents as well. This is valuable as we work to make improvements to our football program.

Links to Surveys
Returning Players
Graduating Players

Please encourage your son to take the survey online and come in for an exit interview. This really helps me to make the football program the best it can be.

Awards Program
The fall sports award program will be on Tuesday, December 6 at 7:30PM. I would prefer that players be dressed up for this event. At least dress pants and a dress shirt.

Season Wrap Up

Frosty Westering, a great coach that I have learned a lot from, once said, “How a man plays the game shows something of his character; how he loses shows all of it.” We finished well even in a losing effort and I could not be more proud of how we performed on the field and how we have closed the gap this season.

Last Practice and Equipment Turn In
We will have our last practice and equipment turn in on Wednesday. Please have your uniform, all pads and practice equipment washed and ready to turn in. Seniors will get to keep their blue jersey but they do need to turn it in first. We will also do the last hit drill which has become a favorite football tradition. In total this should take less than 30 minutes. Players that are in soccer and basketball must still come to this last football practice before going to those practices. The other coaches will know in advance that they will be a few minutes late.

State Title Game
I will be going to the TAPPS State Title game on Saturday night in Killeen. The game is at 6PM and we would probably not return home until midnight. If you or your son are interested in going to the game please let me know by Thursday so we can work out all the transportation.

Fall Sports Awards Night
Our awards night is on Tuesday, December 6. As we have done in the past I will be having players vote for certain awards. I will probably give them a ballot during lunch next week.

Exit Interviews and Survey
I will be sending out an end of season questioner. I have one for players and one for parents. It will be an electronic survey like last year. I would also like to meet with each player individually for about 15 minutes.

Off Season Workouts
Later in the week I will be sending out information about off season workouts as we start to prepare for 2012.

Thanks for making it a great year. The fan support this season has been tremendous. The tailgating and crowds that we have had really make it special. We all got to see some great football. I know we have built relationships that will last and through the experience of a football season I believe that we have all grown in ways that will glorify God and impact this world for Him.

It is an honor and a privilege to be your coach.

Playoffs Round 3

Closing the Gap is about getting better each opportunity we have to compete. Competitors love a challenge. There is no question that Brook Hill will be the best team we have faced in weeks. There is also no question that we will be the best team that they have faced in weeks. Our first half last week was as close to a perfect half of football as we have had all season but I still do not believe we have played our best football.

Weekly Theme-Courage
Psalm 23

Week-11 HS Schedule
I know it is a holiday week but we have a great opportunity this week and we need every player on our roster to carry out a good practice.

Monday, November 21-Film at 2PM Practice from 3:00 to 5:00 PM (Full Pads)
Tuesday, November 22- 2:00 to 4:00 PM (Full Pads)
Wednesday, November 23-9:30 to 11:15 AM (Half Shell)
Thursday, November 24-No Practice
Friday, November 25-4:00 to 5:15 PM (Helmet)
Saturday, November 26-Brook Hill at Buffalo Bus leaves at 8AM

Click here for statistics and more from the TSD game.

Click here to view the TAPPS Division III Playoff Bracket

The TSD film and scout film for Brook Hill are on the web. I will be adding more Brook Hill film later today. Please encourage them to watch film this week while they are on break.

Click here for driving directions to Buffalo. If you are planning to leave early we could use a couple extra drivers to free up some space on the bus.

Tailgate Potluck
We are in the process of organizing a pot luck tailgate party prior to kickoff on Saturday. More details will be available soon. But plan to get to Buffalo early so you can enjoy some great food starting at 11AM.