Saturday, September 10, 2011

HS Football Week 3

Last week we spent a lot of time talking about unity. We had a great team experience in going to see “7 Days in Utopia” and really played great football games on both Thursday and Friday night. I am really excited about the progress we are making. I was talking to an old high school friend today that made the comment to me that he was sorry we are having a rough start to the season. When I corrected him and said, “no, it has been a great year so far” he was even more confused. The goal is a lot bigger than the score of the game and we are making some great strides in the areas that matter most. I also strongly believe that our very tough non-district schedule will once again pay great dividends when we get into the part of the season that really matters.

We will talk about adversity this week and something always happens. The veterans always ask to leave this theme off but adversity is always a part of life, especially one that is sold out for Jesus Christ.

Weekly Theme - Overcoming Adversity

Romans 8:18 “I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.”

Week-3 HS Schedule

Monday, September 12-7:00 AM Film and Practice 3:45 to 6:25 PM (Full Pads)

Tuesday, September 13- 3:45 to 6:10 PM (Half Shell – varsity players only)

Tuesday, September 13-JV Game at St. Pius X at 6:30PM (Bus leaves at 5:00PM)

Wednesday, September 14-3:45 to 5:30 PM (Full Pads)

Thursday, September 15-3:45 to 5:00 PM (Half Shell)

Friday, September 16-Second Baptist at Home at 7:30 PM

JV Game

We are playing the JV game this week. Kickoff has been moved back to 6:30PM at St. Pius X. St. Pius X is a much bigger team but we will be playing there freshmen team. JV players will have an opportunity to do homework after school. Click here for directions to St. Pius X.

Dallas Travel

We have several families that have not yet responded to Mrs. Mitchell’s email about travel next week. We need to know if your son will be staying with you and if they will be coming home on the bus. We will also need some drivers to free up space on the bus. We are planning to leave school at 11:30AM.


The first grade check is on Tuesday. If your son gets a progress report for a failing grade they will not be eligible to play in any games this week, including those on Tuesday.


If your son has a name on the back of his blue jersey that is not his I will need that jersey back this week and will be able to give him a brand new jersey.

On-line Film

Varsity, JV, MS and scout film can be found on the internet. This is a great way to get better as a player. To view the film click on the picture with the helmet located under last week’s results on the football home page. The password was sent out via email.

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