Thursday, June 30, 2011

HS Football - No Workouts on July 4th

There will be no workouts on July 4th.

We have had great attendance at workouts the past week and I really appreciate all the help with the football camp. We had a great time working with the younger kids.

7 on 7
We will continue to have 7 on 7 at CCS on Tuesday nights from 5 to 6:30. We will be playing against ourselves and it is a great opportunity to get better as a team as we continue to prepare for the season.

Senior Retreat
I am looking to plan a retreat with the Seniors during the week of July 18 and hope to have more details soon.

We have listed our giant screen TV that has been in the locker-room on Craig’s List. We would like to replace it with a smaller flat screen TV that can go on the wall and free up more space in our locker-room. I believe we are asking $100 for it and the money will be used to offset the cost of buying the new TV.

There are a lot of things that need to be done before the start of the season. We are not planning an official work day but if you would like to give a few hours of your time toward the end of July there will be a lot of things to get done. Please let me know and I will get you in touch with our Team Moms.

I will be traveling with my family the next couple weeks but other members of the coaching staff will be conducting the workouts as scheduled. Our first day of practice is just one month away on August 1.

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