Friday, December 2, 2011

Player Interviews and Surveys

State Title Game
If your son is planning to go to the state title game I need to know as soon as possible so we can plan for transportation. We will be leaving from the school at 3PM tomorrow and will probably arrive home around midnight. There is a high likely hood of rain throughout the day so they will need to be prepared for that.

Player Interviews
I would like to meet with every player for an exit interview. These can done before school, after school or during lunch. If they come by and I am in my office they are welcome to come in otherwise they can sign up for a time with the secondary receptionist.

End of Season Survey
I have been passing out surveys to the players on a regular basis. The last one can be filled out online at the following links. There is one for parents as well. This is valuable as we work to make improvements to our football program.

Links to Surveys
Returning Players
Graduating Players

Please encourage your son to take the survey online and come in for an exit interview. This really helps me to make the football program the best it can be.

Awards Program
The fall sports award program will be on Tuesday, December 6 at 7:30PM. I would prefer that players be dressed up for this event. At least dress pants and a dress shirt.

Season Wrap Up

Frosty Westering, a great coach that I have learned a lot from, once said, “How a man plays the game shows something of his character; how he loses shows all of it.” We finished well even in a losing effort and I could not be more proud of how we performed on the field and how we have closed the gap this season.

Last Practice and Equipment Turn In
We will have our last practice and equipment turn in on Wednesday. Please have your uniform, all pads and practice equipment washed and ready to turn in. Seniors will get to keep their blue jersey but they do need to turn it in first. We will also do the last hit drill which has become a favorite football tradition. In total this should take less than 30 minutes. Players that are in soccer and basketball must still come to this last football practice before going to those practices. The other coaches will know in advance that they will be a few minutes late.

State Title Game
I will be going to the TAPPS State Title game on Saturday night in Killeen. The game is at 6PM and we would probably not return home until midnight. If you or your son are interested in going to the game please let me know by Thursday so we can work out all the transportation.

Fall Sports Awards Night
Our awards night is on Tuesday, December 6. As we have done in the past I will be having players vote for certain awards. I will probably give them a ballot during lunch next week.

Exit Interviews and Survey
I will be sending out an end of season questioner. I have one for players and one for parents. It will be an electronic survey like last year. I would also like to meet with each player individually for about 15 minutes.

Off Season Workouts
Later in the week I will be sending out information about off season workouts as we start to prepare for 2012.

Thanks for making it a great year. The fan support this season has been tremendous. The tailgating and crowds that we have had really make it special. We all got to see some great football. I know we have built relationships that will last and through the experience of a football season I believe that we have all grown in ways that will glorify God and impact this world for Him.

It is an honor and a privilege to be your coach.

Playoffs Round 3

Closing the Gap is about getting better each opportunity we have to compete. Competitors love a challenge. There is no question that Brook Hill will be the best team we have faced in weeks. There is also no question that we will be the best team that they have faced in weeks. Our first half last week was as close to a perfect half of football as we have had all season but I still do not believe we have played our best football.

Weekly Theme-Courage
Psalm 23

Week-11 HS Schedule
I know it is a holiday week but we have a great opportunity this week and we need every player on our roster to carry out a good practice.

Monday, November 21-Film at 2PM Practice from 3:00 to 5:00 PM (Full Pads)
Tuesday, November 22- 2:00 to 4:00 PM (Full Pads)
Wednesday, November 23-9:30 to 11:15 AM (Half Shell)
Thursday, November 24-No Practice
Friday, November 25-4:00 to 5:15 PM (Helmet)
Saturday, November 26-Brook Hill at Buffalo Bus leaves at 8AM

Click here for statistics and more from the TSD game.

Click here to view the TAPPS Division III Playoff Bracket

The TSD film and scout film for Brook Hill are on the web. I will be adding more Brook Hill film later today. Please encourage them to watch film this week while they are on break.

Click here for driving directions to Buffalo. If you are planning to leave early we could use a couple extra drivers to free up some space on the bus.

Tailgate Potluck
We are in the process of organizing a pot luck tailgate party prior to kickoff on Saturday. More details will be available soon. But plan to get to Buffalo early so you can enjoy some great food starting at 11AM.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Saturday, 6PM Giddings

Cypress Christian vs Texas School for the Deaf

Saturday, November 19 at 6PM

Giddings ISD
Buffalo Stadium
1600 N. Main St.
Giddings, Texas 78942

Here is a link to a picture and a little more information about the stadium

Click here for directions to Giddings.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Playoffs Round 2

Saturday was a great victory that capped off a great week of practice. I am looking forward to another great week. We are still working on the details for our game with Texas School for the Deaf. I hope to have this resolved in the morning. They do want to play on Friday but are willing to play on Saturday and that is the date that is on the TAPPS calendar.

Weekly Theme-Finish
Hebrews 12:1-3 “Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured such opposition from sinful men, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.”

Week-11 HS Schedule
Monday, November 14-3:45 to 4:45 PM Film
Tuesday, November 15- 4:30 to 6:30 PM (Full Pads) at First Baptist Academy Bus leaves at 4:00 and should return to school at 7:00 PM
Wednesday, November 16-3:45 to 5:15 PM (Half Shell)
Thursday, November 17-3:45 to 5:00 PM (Half Shell)
Friday, November 18-3:45 to 5:00 PM (Helmet)
Saturday, November 19-Texas School for the Deaf at TBA

Click here for statistics from the All Saints game.

Click here to view the TAPPS Division III Playoff Bracket

All Saints film is on the website. Scout film will go up on Monday.

Final Four
It is most likely that we would play Brookhill in the Final Four. This game will most likely be on the Saturday after Thanksgiving at a neutral site.

Tentative Thanksgiving Week Practice Schedule
Monday – Afternoon Practice
Tuesday – Afternoon Practice
Wednesday – Morning Practice
Thursday – No Practice
Friday – Afternoon Practice
Saturday – Game

We need every player on our roster to carry out a good practice.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Playoffs Round 1

After a lot of compromise and phone calls we have finally resolved the game time. We will be playing on Saturday at 6PM. The TAPPS calendar shows the game on Saturday although everyone usually plays the first round on Friday. Both teams have to agree to move the game and both schools have a lot of other activities that factor into selecting the game time. I would prefer to keep our regular routine and therefore believe it best for us to continue to play night games but a 6PM start will basically be a night game and allow them time to get home at a reasonable hour.

Cypress Christian vs All-Saints 6:00PM Saturday, November 12

Weekly Theme-Finish
2 Timothy 4:7 “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.

Week-11 HS Schedule
Monday, November 7-7:00AM Film 3:45 to 6:00 PM (Full Pads)
Tuesday, November 8- 3:45 to 6:00 PM (Full Pads)
Wednesday, November 9-3:45 to 5:15 PM (Half Shell)
Thursday, November 10-3:45 to 5:00 PM (Half Shell)
Friday, November 11-3:45 to 5:00 PM (Helmet)
Saturday, November 12-at Home against Tyler All Saints at 6:00PM

Night Before and Game Day Instructions
All players should sleep in their own beds on Friday night. They should be in bed around 10PM and if they cannot fall asleep they should read their Bibles. If God keeps them up all night reading his word I think their performance will probably go up not down. I am pretty sure game performance goes down when playing Call of Duty or doing other things after 10PM. Players should be up and have breakfast around 9AM. They should spend the day resting but not just laying around. Players will need to eat their pregame meal at home prior to reporting to the field house by 2:30PM. We may have a team event Saturday morning just to make sure everyone is up.

Click here for statistics from the Faith West game.

Click here to view the TAPPS Division III Playoff Bracket

Second Round
Our possible second round opponent would be either Texas School of the Deaf (TSD) which is located in Austin or Temple Christian up in the Dallas Area. TSD is actually the favorite in the game. This game will be on Saturday at a neutral site.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

HS Football Week 10

Friday was one of the greatest football games I have ever been involved with. It was certainly a game worth the trip and the price of admission. It was so exciting to see us continue to pick each other up as a team. Players refused to quit on teammates and continued to provide opportunities for them to have a second chance. It reminded me of our comeback in the playoffs against Dallas Lutheran except this time we were victorious. One thing that stands out to me is that I actually had difficulty hearing coaches over the headsets because of the tremendous crowd noise. Thank you to so many of you for making the long drive to Evadale. Click here to read more about the game and see video highlights on the website.

Hebrews 12:1 “Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.”

Week-10 HS Schedule
Monday, October 31-7:00AM Film 3:45 to 5:30 PM (Helmet-Varsity Only Players)
Monday, October 31-JV Game 5PM at home against Bay Area
Tuesday, November 1- 3:45 to 6:10 PM (Full Pads)
Wednesday, November 2-3:45 to 5:30 PM (Half Shell)
Thursday, November 3-3:45 to 5:00 PM (Helmet-Varsity Only Players)
Thursday, November 3- JV Game 6PM at Faith West (Bus leaves at 4:30PM)
Friday, November 4-at Faith West at 7:00PM (Bus leaves at 4PM)

Click Here for directions to Faith West.

Playoff Schedule
We will be the favorite to win the first two rounds of the playoffs. The first round will most likely be on Friday and it will be at home. The rest of the games will be at neutral sights and most likely on Saturday. Assuming we are still in the playoffs we will practice the week of Thanksgiving, probably at our regular time. We will not practice on Thanksgiving Day. We really have a great opportunity this year and it takes more players than we have to run a truly efficient football practice so please keep your Thanksgiving plans as flexible as possible.

Winter Sports
On a case by case basis I do allow JV players to participate in certain basketball or soccer activities prior to the end of the football season that does not involve them missing football practice. They need to talk with me directly prior to any participation.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

MS Football Awards Night

We will close out a great middle school season with our fall middle school sports awards on Thursday, November 3 in the gym at 7:30 PM. This is a casual dress event but I would like to request that players at least be in pants and a polo shirt for the event. Your son will get a CD of his football photos. I will also have 3-DVD sets that contains all the middle school A games and the last middle school B game that your son is welcome to have.

Thanks for all your help in making it a Great Year.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

HS Football Week 9

Friday was a great night with so many exciting plays, school records being broken, and the clinching of a playoff spot and district championship. Click here to read the story on the website that contains more details. It was great to honor such a special group of seniors. They are such a cohesive unit that has provided great leadership for a team that is continuing to improve each week. I am looking forward to an exciting finish as we enter the playoffs.

Malachi 3:6 “’I the Lord do not change,’…declares the Lord”

Week-9 HS Schedule
Monday, October 24-7:00AM Film 3:45 to 6:30 PM (Full Pads)
Tuesday, October 25- 3:45 to 6:10 PM (Full Pads)
Wednesday, October 26-3:45 to 5:30 PM (Half Shell)
Thursday, October 27-3:45 to 5:00 PM (Half Shell)
Friday, October 28-at Evadale at 7:30PM (Bus leaves at 1PM)

Additional Drivers
It is a long trip to Evadale and it would be nice to have some space on the bus. If we have two or three people that are willing to drive and take players that would really help.

Playoff Schedule
We will be the favorite to win the first two rounds of the playoffs. The first round will most likely be on Friday and it will be at home. The rest of the games will be at neutral sights and most likely on Saturday. Assuming we are still in the playoffs we will practice the week of Thanksgiving. We will not practice on Thanksgiving Day. We really have a great opportunity this year so please keep your Thanksgiving plans as flexible as possible.

Winter Sports
I know that tryouts for winter sports have started. They are allowed to attend the tryouts but must continue to be at all football related functions unless they have direct permission from me. While a JV player may not play much in the varsity games the extra weeks of practice really benefit them in the future and we need every player to make a practice productive.

JV Game on October 31 and November 3
This is certainly not ideal but we will play two JV games in the same week next week as we make up the rained out game against Bay Area and travel to Faith West. This will conclude our JV games for the season but JV players will remain with the team throughout the playoffs.

Team Pictures
Your son was given a CD of the pictures on Friday. There may still be a few players that need to pick theirs up. If it does not make it home to you please let me know and I will get you another copy. I left a folder of senior pictures off of a few discs so I will get that mistake corrected as well.

Senior Dinner
I will be taking the seniors out for dinner on Thursday. The location is still to be determined. We will leave after practice and probably be done around 7PM.

Click Here for directions to Evadale.

On-line Film
The varsity game film is up. I will put scout and JV film up on Monday. I am way behind on game highlights being on the website but hope to get caught up this week.

Stats and Website
Each week I post the stats (they are attached to this email) for each game and usually write a story about the game. All of this can be found at

MS Football Season's End

I am very excited about the MS football season. I saw so much growth and continue to see so much potential. When I watch players I always look at their potential as a senior and plan for the future. We will have a great freshmen football class next year and should have another great MS season as well. It is always amazing to me how players grow and fill positions. Some of our best HS players hardly played in MS but through continued hard work they have made tremendous impacts at the HS level. HS football also has so much more time to develop deep lasting relationships that will sharpen these young men into the men that God wants then to become.

As coaches we are always planning for the future and plan for each players career through his senior year. If your son does not plan to play football again next year I would like for them to talk to me personally. I think this is an important step in adulthood. It also helps us plan as in just a few short months I will begin the process of purchasing equipment for next season.

Equipment Turn In
Players will turn in all their school issued equipment on Monday after school at the field house prior to the team party. Their locker should be completely cleaned out at this time.

I hope to be able to provide the MS players with a picture CD on Monday. The feedback from the players at all levels has been very positive. This is certainly an out of the box way to do pictures and I welcome your feedback. I know we started late as the photographer was coming from another photo shoot that started before dawn and was far more profitable for him then ours was. The original plan was to do pictures very early in the season which is what will happen with winter sports.

Game Film
I will be making copies of game film available. It will be three DVD’s that contain all 8 A games and the final B game. I plan to have those available at the Fall MS Sports Awards Banquet in a couple of weeks.

There are still a few players that are missing a shirt or a pair of shorts. I have more coming in this week. I am not sure if I will have them to give out on Monday but I will get them passed out this week.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

HS Football Week 8

Personally, I had a lot of fun this week as a coach. We had a good week of practice and a lot of great conversations. The JV played great followed by an entertaining powder puff game, the painting of the Warrior head, homecoming activities, Travis McGrath pregame speech and a great Friday night. At our coaches meeting this morning we talked about how this team just continues to improve each week. We have not played our best football game yet and still more work to do but I am very excited about where we are at as we defend our District Championship and prepare to make another playoff run.

Ephesians 2:8-9 “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this not from yourself, it is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast.”

Week-8 HS Schedule
Monday, October 17-3:45 to 6:30 PM (Full Pads)
Tuesday, October 18- 3:45 to 6:10 PM (Full Pads)
Wednesday, October 19-3:45 to 5:30 PM (Half Shell)
Thursday, October 20-3:45 to 5:00 PM (Half Shell) -Varsity only players
Thursday, October 20-JV Game at Bay Area at 5:00PM
Friday, October 21-Senior Night at home against Bay Area at 7:30PM

Senior Night
We will honor our seniors on the field before the start of the game this week starting at about 7:00 so make plans to come out to the game early. Coach Martin will be in touch with senior parents about additional details.

Team Pictures
I heard a lot of great comments from players about the team pictures. I know we got a lot of great shots. You will be getting every picture that your son is in digitally on CD. It is the goal to have the CD’s next week.

Seniors Dinner
Each year I go to dinner with the seniors after a Thursday practice late in the season. I am tentatively planning on the dinner being on October 27.

Bay Area JV Game
We have rescheduled the home JV game against Bay Area for Monday, October 31 at 5PM.

The JV team will play at Bay Area this Thursday, October 20. Click Here for directions.

On-line Film
Film will be going up on Monday. I am planning to make all (Varsity, JV, and MS A) the game film for the season available on DVD. There will a small fee to cover the cost of the DVD reproduction.

MS Football Final Week

It is hard to believe that we have come to the end of the middle school season. From my perspective it has been a great season. Both teams have shown constant improvement. I am sure they have learned some valuable lessons and I am excited to see how they continue to grow as men and football players in the future.

Ephesians 2:8-9 “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this not from yourself, it is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast.”

Week-8 MS Schedule
Monday, October 17 -3:45 to 6:00 PM (Full Pads)
Tuesday, October 18 - 3:45 to 5:45 PM (Full Pads) – A Team only players
Tuesday, October 18- B Team game vs Salem Trinity at home at 5:00PM
Wednesday, October 19-3:45 to 5:30 PM (Half Shell)
Thursday, October 20-A team game vs Woodlands Christian at 5:00PM

Team Pictures
I heard a lot of great comments from players about the team pictures. I know we got a lot of great shots. You will be getting every picture that your son is in digitally on CD. It is the goal to have the CD’s next week.

On-line Film
Film will be going up on Monday. I am planning to make all (Varsity, JV, and MS A) the game film for the season available on DVD. There will a small fee to cover the cost of the DVD reproduction.

Equipment Turn In
I will send an email later in the week about equipment turn in for MS players.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

HS Football Week 7

It is always nice to have a bye week. We had some fun and got to work on a few new wrinkles for the remainder of district play. The JV played a great game that included a field goal on the last play of the first half and a TD in the final minute to secure a 3 point win. Homecoming is a week full of distractions. I will be reminding the team of the proper priorities all week. Friday will be a half day of school that is basically the parade and pep-rally. Players will still stay on campus after school and we are planning to take team and individual pictures. Players are not excused from practice during the week for decorating or other such homecoming activities.

2 Timothy 4:7 “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.

Week-7 HS Schedule
Monday, October 10-3:45 to 6:30 PM (Full Pads)
Tuesday, October 11- 3:45 to 6:10 PM (Full Pads)
Wednesday, October 12-3:45 to 5:30 PM (Full Pads)
Thursday, October 13-3:45 to 5:00 PM (Half Shell) -Varsity only players
Thursday, October 13-JV Game at home against Faith West at 5:00PM
Friday, October 14-Team pictures after School, Homecoming Game at 7:30PM against Faith West

Team Pictures
I am still working on the details but we are planning to take pictures after school on Friday. All players will report to the field house and get dressed in their uniform. I will send out more details on Tuesday.

Powder Puff and Painting of the Warrior
The Powder Puff football game will take place on Thursday right after the JV game at 7:30. The game will be followed by our annual Painting of the Warrior. If everyone grabs a can of paint it only takes about 20 minutes and it really is a lot of fun.

Seniors Dinner
Each year I go to dinner with the Seniors after a Thursday practice late in the season. I am tentatively planning on the dinner being on October 27.

On-line Film
I am limited in how much film I can keep online. I will get the MS games from last week up at some point this week. The JV game against Fort Bend is up along with varsity scout film.

MS Football Week 7

The MS team had a great win at Faith West and a tough loss against a very good team from Fort Bend. It has been a great season and I am looking forward to a great finish in the last couple weeks. Our teams have been challenged but have closed the gap and experienced a lot of success.

2 Timothy 4:7 “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.

Week-7 MS Schedule
Monday, October 10 -3:45 to 6:00 PM (Full Pads)
Tuesday, October 11 - 3:45 to 5:45 PM (Full Pads) – A Team only players
Tuesday, October 11- B Team game vs Western Academy at home at 5:00PM
Wednesday, October 12-3:45 to 5:30 PM (Half Shell)
Thursday, October 13-A team game at Bay Area at 5:00PM (Bus Leaves 2:30)
Friday, October 14 – Team Pictures after school

Team Pictures
I am still working on the details but we are planning to take pictures after school on Friday. All players will report to the field house and get dressed in their uniform. I will send out more details on Tuesday.

The A team will play at Bay Area. Click Here for directions.

On-line Film
I am limited in how much film I can keep online. I will get the MS games from last week up at some point this week. The JV game against Fort Bend is up along with varsity scout film.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

HS Football Week 5

We always play well in Dallas and this year was certainly no exception. It was a great football game with plenty of excitement in every area of the game. Playing the tough schedule will pay off as we enter district play this week at Bay Area. They are a better team than last year and have a new head coach. Their new coach, Chris Jones, is interested in more than football like we are and they have organized an event called Overtime Worship that will take place after the game in the gym. I have told Coach Jones that we will stay for the event which will last about 30 minutes and I want to encourage as many parents and fans to stay as well.

Revelation 3:16 “So, because you are lukewarm-neither hot nor cold-I am about to spit you out of my mouth.”

Week-5 HS Schedule

Monday, September 26-3:45 to 6:25 PM (Full Pads)

Tuesday, September 27- 3:45 to 6:10 PM (Full Pads)

Wednesday, September 28-3:45 to 5:30 PM (Half Shell)

Thursday, September 29-3:45 to 5:00 PM (Full Pads)

Friday, September 30-At Bay Area at 7:30 PM (Bus Leaves at 4:10)

JV Game
We have added one JV game against Bay Area on 10/20 that will be played at Fort Bend. It is possible that we may play another one this week on Thursday. I will know for sure on Monday and send out an email at that time.

We will play at Bay Area. Click Here for directions.

On-line Film
Varsity and Scout film for the week have been (may still be in process) uploaded to the website.

The varsity will have a bye week on October 7 and I would like everyone to consider supporting the other part of my job that makes coaching football possible by attending the Annual Banquet. Just by purchasing a ticket you are making a gift to the Cypress Christian School Annual Fund. For more information visit

MS Football Week 5

The only way to get better is by having good practices. While I wish we would have been able to play the B game last week, the extra practice time for everyone is a very positive thing in the long run. Western Academy should be a team our size and Faith West has always been a great game for the A team. It should be another exciting week of football.

Revelation 3:16 “So, because you are lukewarm-neither hot nor cold-I am about to spit you out of my mouth.”

Week-5 MS Schedule
Monday, September 26- 3:45 to 6:00 PM (Full Pads)
Tuesday, September 27- 3:45 to 5:45 PM (Full Pads) – A Team only players
Tuesday, September 27- B Team game vs Western Academy at home at 5:00PM
Wednesday, September 28-3:45 to 5:30 PM (Full Pads)
Thursday, September 29-A team game at Faith West at 6:00PM Bus leaves at 4:20

The A team will play at Faith West. Click Here for directions.

The varsity will have a bye week on October 7 and I would like everyone to consider supporting the other part of my job that makes coaching football possible by attending the Annual Banquet. Just by purchasing a ticket you are making a gift to the Cypress Christian School Annual Fund. For more information visit

Saturday, September 17, 2011

HS Football Week 4

We have completed the toughest part of our schedule. I am really pleased with the progress we have made and the way that we battled the last two games against much bigger schools. We are getting closer to being healthy and when I look other scores from our district combined with the level of teams they are playing I am excited about where we will be in a few weeks.

Rebuilding is one of my favorite themes as we talk about doing the impossible in man’s eyes. Nehemiah is a great lesson in answering the call and stepping out in faith knowing that God uses the available to accomplish His purposes.

Weekly Theme - Rebuilding
Nehemiah 2:20 “I answered them by saying, ‘The God of heaven will give us success. We his servants will start rebuilding…’”

Week-4 HS Schedule

  • Monday, September 19-7:00 AM Film and Practice 3:45 to 6:25 PM (Full Pads)
  • Tuesday, September 20- 3:45 to 6:10 PM (Full Pads)
  • Wednesday, September 21-3:45 to 5:30 PM (Full Pads)
  • Thursday, September 22-3:45 to 5:00 PM (Half Shell)
  • Friday, September 23-At Canyon Creek in Dallas at 7:30 PM (Bus Leaves at 11:30)

All football players will be released at the end of 3rd period and will go to first lunch. After eating lunch they will report to the field house to pack up and load the bus. We need to be on the road at 11:30. We will have our pregame meal at the hotel. After the meal we will dress at the hotel and then head to the stadium for kickoff.

We will play at Williams Stadium which is a Plano ISD Stadium.
Click Here for directions.

Game Uniforms
Uniforms are stored at home for all levels of football. I saw several in lockers last night after the varsity game. Please make sure your son takes his game uniform home after each game and washes it.

On-line Film
Varsity, JV, MS and scout film is on or in the process of uploading to the website.

You can view and download pictures from Varsity games thanks to Mr. Moon at The password was sent via the weekly email.

Annual Banquet
The varsity will have a bye week on October 7 and I would like everyone to consider supporting the other part of my job that makes coaching football possible by attending the Annual Banquet. Just by purchasing a ticket you are making a gift to the Cypress Christian School Annual Fund. For more information visit

MS Football Week 4

Rebuilding is one of my favorite themes as we talk about doing the impossible in man’s eyes. Nehemiah is a great lesson in answering the call and stepping out in faith knowing that God uses the available to accomplish His purposes.

The B team got into the win column but it was a tough loss for the A team. I hope that loss for the A team results in a determination to work harder and that the win for the B team gives them a feeling of accomplishment for the hard work they have been putting in. The B team will play against St. John’s this Tuesday while the A team has a bye week.

Weekly Theme - Rebuilding
Nehemiah 2:20 “I answered them by saying, ‘The God of heaven will give us success. We his servants will start rebuilding…’”

Week-4 MS Schedule

  • Monday, September 19- 3:45 to 6:00 PM (Full Pads)
  • Tuesday, September 20- 3:45 to 5:45 PM (Full Pads) – A Team only players
  • Tuesday, September 21- B Team game vs St. John’s at home at 5:00PM
  • Wednesday, September 22-3:45 to 5:30 PM (Full Pads)
  • Thursday, September 23-3:45 to 5:45 PM (Full Pads)

Game Uniforms

Uniforms are stored at home for all levels of football. I saw several in lockers last night after the varsity game. Please make sure your son takes his game uniform home after each game and washes it.

On-line Film
Varsity, JV, MS and scout film is on or in the process of uploading to the website.

The varsity will have a bye week on October 7 and I would like everyone to consider supporting the other part of my job that makes coaching football possible by attending the Annual Banquet. Just by purchasing a ticket you are making a gift to the Cypress Christian School Annual Fund. For more information visit