Saturday, November 27, 2010

Season's End

I always try to make the last theme of the year - Finish. I admittedly was trying to make it one more week. I was very proud of how we finished as a team last Saturday. Most teams would have quit but we continued to fight. I hope your son learns to never give up and to always compete to the fullest in the present because you never know what will happen in the future.

I love this team because of the investment they have made in the lives of everyone on the team. I would choose the trip home with this team after a defeat than going on with any other team. It is much more than a game it is about relationships as we imperfectly follow Christ. That journey did not end in Georgetown but will continue on until we can all say 2 Timothy 4:7 and know it to be true in our lives like it was true for Paul.

Weekly Theme – Finish
2 Timothy 4:7 “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.

Thanks for a great season, and I am looking forward to a reunion in 10 to 15 years where we hear just how successful the season was.

The following are a few important things as we wrap up the year and prepare for the next season.

Last Hit Drill and Equipment Turn In
We will go out on the field one last time for the last hit drill and then turn in our equipment. If your son is playing another sport they will only be a few minutes late to that practice.

Championship Game
I will be attending the state title game on December 4 at noon. We may take the bus if we have enough players (parents can go to) are interested. Austin Regents defeated Dallas Lutheran 61 to 42 (Regents was up over 40 at one point) and will play Brook Hill for the Championship.

Fall Sports Banquet
Players will be voting on awards and I will send you the date for the banquet as soon as I know it.

End of Season Party
We will have our annual end of season party in early January. When I have more details I will let you know.

Player Interview
I would like to conducted end of season interviews with all players, including seniors. They usually take about 15 minutes. I will send out more information including some questions I would like players to answer later in the week. This process really helps us to build the program and gage where we are at as we plan for the future.

Hair Cuts
All hair should be returned to normal dress code when your son returns to school on Monday morning.

2011 Season
Spring football will start May 9 with our spring game on Saturday, May 21 at 10 a.m. The first fall practice for the 2011 season will be on August 1.

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