Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Loving Your Teammate

We talk about love a lot as a football program and today I saw a great example. We want to love our teammates in order to make them better. We want them to be better football players, better students, better friends, better men and most importantly better Christians. Football is a game of hard hits and we have seen a lot in the past few weeks. When you play against your own teammates in practice you tend to let up and not play all out. Not hitting as hard as we can does not make our teammates better. We encourage our defense to make big hits in practice and last week I encourage our offense to thank them for it when they do. If our receivers learn to take big hits in practice they will make big plays on Friday and today we did just that. Troy Mason went across the middle, his brother put the ball right on him and Kyle Moon brought one tremendous hit. Troy caught the ball, jumped up, gave Kyle a high five and thanked him for a great hit. This happened two more times with the same players and by that time it was contagious. We made it a great day today and it was all related to two players loving each other enough to do the hard work of making each other better.

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