Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Singular Purpose

While I always appreciate the media coverage we get, it is always interesting and not always what I intended it to be when I gave the interview. Here is a link to a recent article about the upcoming season. http://www.ultimatecyfair.com/2010/06/warriors-have-singular-objective-fall We do have a singular purpose but it has nothing to do with "win the state title," which was something I never said in the interview. Yes I do believe that we will have the best team Cypress Christian has ever had. It will certainly be the largest. I also believe that we have assembled a great coaching staff and will be more prepared for the season than we have ever been in the past. However, winning is simply a bi-product of true success and our "singular purpose" is based on Building Godly Men. We want to build men that will walk with Christ in both tough times and good times, wins and losses, and in playing or sitting on the bench. Our singular purpose is much greater than the score of a football game. After all if you have ever watched a football bounce you will know that anything is possible and many things are outside our control. We cannot always control our circumstances but we can always control how we react to those circumstances.

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