Friday, October 16, 2009

Homecoming - What Really Matters

To be honest I am not a big fan of homecoming. Don't get me wrong I love seeing alumni and big crowds at football games. I enjoy pep rallies and imitation is the highest form of flattery so being the focus of a dress up day costume was fine with me. Bethany and I attend the dance because we feel it is an extension of our ministry but we do have a lot of fun. Most of the team is taking a date to the dance but no one was willing to say they even thought they would marry their date some day. I happen to think this is a good thing as I hope they will grow and change a lot from this point. I have been reminding them all week that they are most likely going out with someone else's wife which means another guy is going out with their wife. I have challenged them to treat their dates with the same respect they would hope their wife is getting at her homecoming.

What are we imitating this week? Is it Christ both on and off the field? Are we distracted by the homecoming activities of life and forgetting about the big game? Here are some links to a very interesting website that focuses on what really matters. These are for two first rate athletes that are living there lives in second place and focused on the big game from an eternal perspective. There are also interviews with many others from all walks of life.

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