Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Winning and Losing

I was asked this weekend by a friend how practice would be different since we lost. They wanted to know if we would do different drills or run more. I got a strange look when I said we would only run more if we had a good practice. Practice should be the same regardless of any previous outcome. Success is not measured in wins or loses but in how we Close the Gap between our potential and our performance. Our identity is not found in how we compare to Westbury Christian but in Christ. Every practice and every game is an opportunities to Close the Gap, an opportunity to see just how good we can be and to glorify Christ with our abilities. This week will be another tough test and we continue to face the adversity of sickness and injuries. We did have a better focus yesterday and got back to some basics. Principle #9 is Love to Lose because it is often in our losses that God teaches us the most. How our football team responds this week will speak volumes as to how we are Closing the Gap and what kind of men we are becoming regardless of what the outcome is on Friday night.

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