Sunday, August 2, 2009

Field of Dreams

"If you build they will come." This is an often quoted line from the move Field of Dream but there are a couple of problems with it. First it is not in the movie. The actual quote is "If you build it he will come." The second problem is that it implies that we can do something but Psalms 127:1 has a different angle. "Unless the Lord builds the house, its builders labor in vain." I would like to propose the following regarding our football program. "If it is built on Him, they will come" It is not about wins, records, stats, chronicle predictions, a spectacular new grandstand, website, equipment or other facilities; it is about Jesus Christ and building men that will humbly seek after and serve Him. I believe we our following God's Plan and I have seen His Power and Provision over and over in the past few months. I want to ask you to take 9 minutes at 9PM to thank God for the works He has, is and will do in the up coming season. It may be ten years before we fully know how successful this season was but God is at work at Cypress Christan and in this football program. I am humbled every day with the great opportunity to be your Coach. I am looking forward to seeing the varsity tonight at 6 and everyone on August 8.

To God Be the Glory,

Coach Spenn

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